Monday, May 31, 2010

Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i - Sylvia's Back Piece

The one day in Hawai'i when I didn't take any tattoo pictures, I did pass out a few fliers. One I handed to a woman sitting in a chair at the Safeway Center on Kapahulu Avenue.

She had what appeared to be an incredible back piece, the top of which was visible to passers-by.

Sylvia later e-mailed me and shared a link to a site that featured a photo of the tattoo, along with an explanation of the piece. I have extracted it here for the enjoyment of the Tattoosday audience.

First, the tattoo:

Sylvia explains:

"My tattoo represents my ancestry...from the family of the 'Royal Hawai'ian Ole' (chanters of the Alii court), from the snowy mountains of Japan, the homeland of Portuguese Bean soup, and the inter-mix marriages of American Indians and Puerto Ricans. I believe the seven I have on my back describe who I am the best. Most locals have meaning for their tattoos but we also have people like Lindsay who just go with their flow. Many families have several signs that make up their families even as far as the Scottish Clan "Duncan" like me..."

What's wonderful about this tattoo to me is that Sylvia has incorporated so many cultures and motifs into the design which, as she acknowledges, is based on the wonderful mix of heritage and ancestry that comprises her background. This is very typical of people who live in Hawai'i, which is host to such an explosion of multicultural intermingling.

I love how the honu/sea turtle brings all of the elements together. The eagle, dragonfly, bear paw, wolf, buffalo, and shark all join to provide a rich tapestry of images that each speak to a different aspect of her heritage.

Sylvia's tattoo was inked by Joseph Garcia, Trigga Happy Tattoo in Waipahu. Eagle, Dragonfly, Bear Paw, Turtle, Wolf, Buffalo, and Shark.

Thanks to Sylvia for responding to me initially and for sharing her tattoo via her post here. We here at Tattoosday appreciate your contribution!

Patriotic eagle image american flags

Patriotic eagle image american flags
Patriotic eagle image american flags

Patriotic eagle head clipart

Patriotic eagle head clipart
Patriotic eagle head clipart

Patriotic eagle clock clipart - american flags

Patriotic eagle clock clipart - american flags

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flower Tattoo Art - How to Get the Perfect One For You

If you do not know yet, flower tattoo art is closely associated with creating attractive blossom patterns. Actually, such work of art is done by placing some markings in the body depending on the designs of tattoos that you have chosen. A very stunning tattoo art that makes use of flowers can guarantee you of a tattoo design that will not only look stylish and trendy, but at the same time, will bring a deeper meaning to you. Here are just a few of the other things you need to know regarding getting one for you:

First of all, look for a handsome pattern that will give you utmost pride as you wear such tattoo design on your body. Also, make it a point that there is a deeper meaning or story behind the design that you have personally picked. That way, when people ask you why you have chosen such beautiful designs of flowers, then you have a tale or story to tell, which will definitely give your body art a deeper meaning.

Also, make sure that you also look into the kind of shape that you will want to be drawn on your body. If you are a woman, you should instruct the local tattoo artist doing your markings that it should be something smaller considering you have a lighter and smaller built than a man. If you happen to be a member of the male population, then make sure that even though you are considering getting some flower designs as your body tattoo, you should find the flower tattoo art that will match your gender and will not lessen, but instead enhance your masculinity even more.

On the other hand, if you are a woman in search of an excellent flower tattoo art, make sure you ask your tattooist to do a tattoo which is exactly what you want from the smallest details of the size, the design, the colors, and several others. Such flower designs are actually symbolic of the true spirit and moral fiber of a person; and what is more, it can even bring out the feminine side of you upon wearing such flower tattoo designs. However, make sure that you have finalized all the details of the design you have chosen, so that when the local tattoo artist finally starts to draw or ink your tattoo marking, it will not be difficult for both of you since he already knows what you want.

Furthermore, if you prefer a flower tattoo design that depicts a religious meaning, representing your religious practices and beliefs, then it would be best to select the iris three-way petals as your tattoo design. Such design has actually been considered as a tattoo art that stands for the Holy Trinity, and with the colors symbolizing the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Last of all, you may also wish to have the flower tattoos in combination with birds, or in particular a hummingbird while enjoyably eating the flower's nectars from the flower designs drawn on your body.

If you want to get your body tattooed permanently with a Flower Tattoo Art, then it would be helpful if you know more about the various designs that go with such image. Just click HERE to know more about Tattoos.

Article Source:

Lower Back Tattoos For Women - A Few Thoughts to Ponder Before Getting One

Ladies, if you are looking to get a lower back tattoo, here are few things to think about first. For some men, lower back tattoos on women can be a real turnoff. And besides being perceived as unattractive, your new ink may also trigger an intimidation factor in guys. The last thing you want to do is scare off your new prospect.

Now why would tattoos for women on the lower back potentially scare off some men you ask?

Perhaps because it expresses a sign of independence. It sends out a subliminal message to possible suitors that you are not in need. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and you don't need a man for support. I know...this may sound silly but it is true. Men are wired to be the care providers for women or the knight in shining armor so to speak. Something as simple as a butterfly or fairy tattoo design may suppress this trait in men and may have them looking elsewhere for other partners.

But why would men find my lower back tattoo unattractive?

Well, there are a few reasons. First, a tattoo on a sexy part of the woman's body may send a signal to men that you are promiscuous or flirty. This, in itself, may suggest to men that you have had several sex partners in the past or that you are "very experienced." Some men may find this to be a huge turn on but others may find it to be a huge turn off. It just depends on the man.

Second, not all men feel comfortable about introducing Mom and Dad to a woman with a lower back tattoo. This is only because those men have a pretty good idea of what their parents find to be acceptable. For a lot of parents, tattoos on the lower back may convey the same suggestions of promiscuity.

Lastly, some men may just not prefer lower back tattoos on women. It's as simple as that. Some guys just see them as being unattractive. Then again, some men may find them to be incredibly appealing.

So what can you do?

If you are considering getting a tattoo and you are already in a relationship, run it by your (serious) boyfriend first. Bring it up casually in conversation. See what kind of response it provokes out of him. You might even say, "My friend got a tribal butterfly tattoo on her lower back...what do you think of that." This way at least you have some idea.

You could also just not really care what anybody thinks. If you want a tattoo, then get a tattoo. After all, that's what a tattoo is about, right? It's an open and free form of expression. Why should you care what anybody thinks? Just be sure that the tattoo you get is the right one and has special meaning to you and you only. Don't get something that you will regret 10, 20, or even 30 years down the road.

To discover the greatest lower back tattoos for women, be sure to visit

Article Source:

Beauty of Flower Tattoo Designs

Flowers are perhaps the among the strongest object used to symbolized women and tattoos are not any different. For centuries, women have been coming up with more creative and illustrious flower tattoo ideas to add to those that are already in existence. One of the main reasons for this is flower tats will never be out of style in any day and age. What this means is, these tattoos and ideas will be around and tattooed by women all over the globe in years to come yet.

When it comes to flowers, there are really no limitations as to what can be tattooed. No matter what, flower tats will almost always look great on a woman especially when tattooed by an experienced tattoo artist/tattoo parlor using quality tattooing techniques. What this means is there are really no right or wrong when it comes to flower tat ideas. It is more a question of whether these designs suit the woman in question. We do have some flower tattoo ideas to help out women out there wanting to get one (or even in multiples).

First of all, the most obvious would be to choose between a black inked flower tat or a colored flower tat. While flower tats can still look good in black, flowers do bring out the life in these flowers especially when the flower tattoo ideas and designs are in 3D.

Next, flower tattoo ideas can also revolve around the type of flower itself. Although the most common and popular flower used in tattoos are roses, there are also many other flowers that have been tattooed and actually with great results to boot. They can include (but not limited) to orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, lilies and sunflowers.

Flower tattoo ideas can also come in the form of the number of flowers used in the design. For instance, a single rose may look good but when coupled with another bud, it can have adverse effects. On the same note, bouquets or bunches of flowers can also have positive effects. These flower tat ideas may also include other objects or even an image of a person on it. Guns, skulls, sun, women or body part can go well with these flower tats.

Among the most overlooked of flower tat ideas lies in the form of the placement of the tattoos in itself. Having the flower tattooed on the appropriate part of the body can accentuate that body part in question. It really comes down to the issue of how revealing the tattoo is intended to be and for whom the tattoo is targeted at (private or public).

The next tip or advice we have where flower tattoo ideas are concerned lies in the tattoo artist/parlor itself. An experienced and skilled tattoo artist can give you great ideas on the actual design or/and placement of the tattoo based on individual characteristics/personalities and other factors.

The above are only a handful of flower tat ideas and tips to help all those with interest and intentions in acquiring one. The best thing about them is they are constantly evolving in line with the current fashion and trends. In other words, one can almost never go wrong with a beautiful flower tattoo design!

FREE Tattoo Ideas

Article Source:

Dragon Tattoos For Men Design

sketches dragon tattoos for men
lower back dragon tattoos for men
lower back tattoos for men
Dragon Tattoos For Men
Tattoos for men ussually very extreme, for example is a dragon tattoos above, this design for men. if you a man you can make this design in your body. may be many woman will like with you :)

Tatto Lettering Tribal Design

tribal tatto lettering
tatto lettering design
Tattoo Lettering Design For Ideas
Tattoos is good design if the people like the art design. some people willing make the art their design just for hobby , how about you ??? the tattoo lettering above may be will make you like a tattoos design.

Eric's Tattoo: Zero the Fool and an Obsession with Time

I met Eric on Seventh Avenue between 23rd and 24th Streets earlier this month.

This tarot card on his left forearm jumped out at me:

Eric is a mixed media artist whose website can be seen here. He is an illustrator and is currently in school studying toy design. The tattoo he has is primarily based on a linoleum block he had created that recalls the Tarot card "The Fool". Because it is an unnumbered card in the deck, it is often referred to as "Zero" or 0.

The Fool often represents the beginning of a journey, oftentimes a "foolish adventure". He had this tattooed to commemorate his decision to move from Boston to New York City. While the decision may not have been foolish, it did mark a new journey in Eric's life.

The card was tattooed by Hannah at Regeneration Tattoo in Boston.

One may have noticed that there is work around the tarot card, as well, so it's only fair to show the piece as a whole:

And the tattoo extends up the arm a bit from the pocket watch on the right:

The additional elements in the tattoo speak to Eric's obsession with the passage of the time. Snowflakes are only temporary as they fall from the sky and melt, or become mixed with other flakes and lose their singularity.

The flowers are imagined creations representing growth. Eric's floral images are inspired by the artwork of Henry Darger.

He also notes that the time piece is cracked and broken:

This, he says, represents the fight against the obsession and paranoia over the passage of time.

The work around the tarot card was all tattooed by Kelly Krantz at the now-defunct Hold Fast Tattoo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. From what I can tell, Krantz is not currently affiliated with any one tattoo shop.

Thanks to Eric for sharing his thought-provoking tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Erin's Yellow Roses for Her Grandmother

Earlier this week, I met Erin and she shared this, one of her six tattoos:

Erin explained that these yellow roses on her left forearm are for her grandmother, her favorite person. Her grandma's favorite roses are the yellow variety.

Erin credits artist Jesse Gabriel at Halo Tattoo III in Syracuse, New York for this work. Work from Halo has appeared previously here on Tattoosday.

Thanks to Erin for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's


Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's

Today the girls tattoo designs are being popular, the Tattoos used to be considered to be primarily a female sexiest things, but more and more girls are usually sporting star tattoo designs as the trends. They are really thought to be sexy and pretty enhancing, they seem to be under the impression that it looks sexy.
The most famous and popular tattoos among girls include different designs like butterfly, tribal, star along with shooting star, flower, and other cute things.

Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's

Tattoos for girl's

Friday, May 28, 2010

Real Butterfly Tattoos Are Great on the Lower Back

Real Butterfly Tattoos are symbolic of how fragile life really is. The butterfly tattoo is the most used artistic theme within the tattoo art industry, it's up there with the flower butterfly tattoos, they have forever captivated man. Artists have a real freedom of creativity when they are creating butterfly tattoos because the designs are not rigid. Do you need inspiration and ideas for a real butterfly tattoos, do you want to make a strong fashion statement, thinking of getting a armband tattoo or lower back tattoo of butterflies.. Butterfly flower tattoos and the butterfly tattoo design and their meanings have been one of the most popular tattoo designs requested by females for the past few years. Butterflies are unique, they are so colorful and make beautiful tattoos, they represent the fragility and transformation of life.

There are about 28,000 known butterfly species. The butterfly tattoo is the most effective means to symbolize one of the most extraordinary creations on the planet with the vibrant colors and artistic designs. Among the best things about lower back tattoos of butterflies is that they have the ability to aesthetically add a lot of color into your tattoo without the loudness that is occasionally related with color. The lower back tattoos of butterflies allows the artist and the recipient huge scope for the tattooist to show of there tattoo art ability.

No matter which real butterfly tattoos design you end up picking out, it is easy to instantly see the beauty that a butterfly tattoo holds and the deeper meaning and significance of a butterfly and its life process make for a very popular design for women...Whether it's a butterfly tattoo on a lower back or a dragonfly tattoo on your shoulder, insect images have become a popular choice for tattoo art enthusiasts everywhere. A butterfly is often found with a fairy on a lower back to make for a colorful fantasy tattoo.

Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i - Hail to the Chief

It's Fleet Week in New York City this weekend, so it only seemed fitting, with just a few Hawai'i posts remaining, that we share the following offering from Jack, a Chief Petty Officer (E7) in the U.S. Navy.

Jack's was the final tattoo I spotted at Pearlridge, on what turned out to be a record-breaking detour for me (five tattoos from five different people in just under two hours).

Jack's tattoo was fresh, as he had just completed a sitting less than a couple of hours before I ran into him, so the tattoo had that film of ointment that added a little glare to the picture:

The skull at the center of the tattoo is wearing a hat similar to those warn by Navy chiefs.

The artist for this piece is known as "Buddha" out of Liquid Metal Tattoo in Aiea, Hawai'i.

Thanks to Jack for sharing this, his newest of over ten tattoos, with us here on Tattoosday.

We here at the site salute not only all the men and women in uniform visiting New York during Fleet Week, but to everyone in all branches of the Armed Forces as we enter into Memorial Day weekend. Thanks to all for their service to our country!

Tattoo on leg women

Tattoo on leg women

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i - Honu Thursday

One of the most popular symbols in modern Polynesian tattoo is the green sea turtle, or honu, as it is known in Hawaiian.

I saw a lot of honu tattoos while I was in Hawai'i, but I didn't snap any photos of them until my last day on Oahu, when I was wrapping up my trip with a last minute stop at Pearlridge. More specifically, I was at the Pearlridge Longs Drug Store, a great place to stock up on chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, Kona coffee, and other tasty local snacks that are hard to find on the mainland.

While wandering the aisles, I spotted not one, but two honu-adorned locals, who were kind enough to share their tattoos with me.

First was Ash, who didn't say much about the four honu on his left leg, other than the fact that he has "always loved turtles," and that his brother was the artist who did the tattoos.

Next was Chantel, who has this lovely tattoo on her upper back:

This not only has the honu element, but also has a floral aspect, along with a Yin and Yang design.

When I asked her where the design came from, she laughed and said she had seen it on a sticker plastered to the back of a car. She liked it so much, she got some paper, traced it, and brought it into a shop called Big Fat Tatts, where the artist sketched it and cleaned up the lines.

Thanks both to Ash and Chantel, for finally getting me my photos of honu tattoos, just a few hours before returning to New York.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Japanese Arm Girls Tattoos

Mel's Star Shines from Down Under

Earlier this month, I ran into Mel coming out of Penn Station.

She has amazing work, and it was soon clear why. Mel was visiting from Melbourne, Australia, where she works as a tattoo artist at Get Smart Body Art.

I was drawn particularly to one of her newer tattoos, this dot-style Tibetan-inspired design:

I told her it reminded me of the style of Thomas Hooper, an artist at New York Adorned whose website (here) showcases some astonishing work, including tattoos made from the dot-style technique.

Mel noted that it was an original design that was inked using a rotary tattoo machine, with the purpose of achieving this effect. Thomas Hooper's style, she acknowledged, inspired her to attempt this ambitious tattoo.

In all fairness, she collaborated with Mick Kelly, at Get Smart Body Art, who did the actual tattooing.

Thanks to Mel for sharing this lovely tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Chest tattoo woman no bra

Chest tattoo woman no bra
Chest tattoo woman no bra

Chest tattoo woman no bra

Chest tattoo woman no bra
Chest tattoo woman no bra

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tattoosday Goes To Hawai'i - All in the Family, Part 5 (Ulu's Amazing Plumage)

In January 2008, when Tattoosday was a mere infant blog, my mother sent me photos of some of the ink my cousins possessed.

I already shared Keali'i's sleeves here, but included in that email from Mom was this astonishing piece from his kid sister, my niece, Ulu:

Photo by Diane Scrafton Cohen Ferreira

I reached out to Ulu (which is a shortened version of her middle name, Uluwehi, which is abbreviated from her full middle name, Kamali'iwahineuluwehi) and we exchanged messages, but we never connected to discuss the tattoo. Then, last month, I was in Hawai'i, at the home of Ulu and her husband Travis.

For the record, despite my inkspotting ways, I was never sure if I'd have the opportunity on this trip to document all my nieces' and nephews' ink. I knew I'd be seeing them, but my purpose for doing so was not tattoo-related.

But as you may have read over the last week, there I was at Ulu and Travis's place, hanging out with family, and the subject turned inky, and out came the camera.

Still, I wasn't sure I would be seeing the tattoo from my mom's photo - Ulu was wearing a dress and I'm always walking on eggshells when it comes to lower back tattoos. But I was taking pictures of everyone else's tattoos and Ulu's back piece was mentioned. She happily changed into sweats so I could take a closer look at this amazing peacock feather tattoo:

One of the things I had always wondered was how far around the feather went. I got my answer soon enough:

As you can see the tattoo dips gracefully down after it rounds the hip. I'm glad I got to see this side because I was able to capture the detail in the color and the tiny pink butterfly near the tip of the quill:

Ulu got this, aside from the beauty of it, to cover up a "tramp stamp" [her words, not mine - no angry comments, please]. The original piece is covered by the eye of the peacock feather.

The artist responsible for this incredible tattoo is Libra, who freelances in Hawai'i, but occasionally does guest spots at 808 Tattoo, and was at East Side Tattoo Studio at the time this was done.

In that original email from Grandma Diane (my mom), she also included the tattoos of Travis, Ulu's husband.

I had never met Travis before, but was welcomed by him as one of the family. I took my own photo of the forearm ink he wears, also by Libra, in honor of his and Ulu's children, Ezra and Trinity.

My deepest and most sincere thanks to both Travis and Ulu, not only for their hospitality and kindness, but for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday.

This concludes the "All in the Family" subset of the Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i series. A warm mahalo to all of my nieces and nephews for letting their mainland uncle help share their tattoos with the Tattoosday community.

Previously in the Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i - All in the Family series:

Part 1, A Preface
Part 2, Keali'i's Sleeves
Part 3, Ikaika, In Progress
Part 4, Lehua's Eternal Tribute to Poppa John

Girl with Upper Arm Anchor Design Tattoo

Girl showing off her anchor with a rope twisted round it.

Old School Anchor, Skull, Wings Tattoo

An attractive skull with wings in front of an anchor. Nice use of red and yellow ink on a mainly black ink design.

Simple Black Anchor with Number Tattoo

Numbers 08, 15 and 03 on a simple anchor decal tattoo.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jesus Tattoo Modern

nice tattoos..............

A Cat Named Do

I met Shawn in Penn Station near the Amtrak terminal earlier this month. He was doing what most people are doing when I stop them in Penn Station: waiting for a train.

He was with who I will presume to be his wife and toddler son. I noticed he had tattoos on his arms so I approached him and told him about Tattoosday.

With his wife's encouragement, he pulled up his shirt to reveal this astonishingly unique tattoo:

Shawn drew this design himself. As a person who liked cats, this feline is based on a cat that he once had named "Do" (as in "How do you do?").

"What happened to Do?" I asked.

Shawn looked over at his son and said, sadly, "Do was not a family cat."

Some feline house pets do not like new babies and do not hide that fact. Since we are taught as a society that babies are more precious than pets, they gave Do up to another home. The cat to the left of Do in the tattoo is "Do's shadow".

Not just any cat tattoo, Shawn's design is artistic, with clocks for eyes and machinery rumbling away in Do's insides.

Shawn also has ink on his back, one leg, and arms (including a sleeve).

This piece was tattooed in 12-14 hours by Davie mac at Davie Mac's Tattoos in Niagara Falls, New York.

Thanks to Shawn for sharing Do with us here on Tattoosday!